Sunday, February 1, 2009


After the finishing touches. =D i need opinions!!

Before~ =D look! horrendous


† P§¥KØ †™ said...

the gaming icon, eh, i preferred the older D-pad. the new one looks very block-ish. i think if u had the arrows on the older D pad, it'd look much nicer. the buttons thingy is much better tho

the fonebook is very nice, very cute.

the sms envelope is also very nice. but the top right corner looks a little too bright. its practically white

the web icon is very nice. but that planet isn't earth! lol =x

the camera still looks like its kissing.. lol. its good, but the... uh, wat do u call it? the "mouth"/"zoom" thing is a little out of proportion. other than that its fine

ΤИЗ µňχρεçŦЗĐ PyroFr!k said...

lol it is earth! i researched and traced it out EXACTLY from my imaginated world =D